Xenia Motif Weddings

Why You Should Consider Hiring a Wedding Planner

If you’re reading this, you have probably recently got engaged, so, first things first, — congratulations! A very exciting journey is ahead of you, the one of planning, quite possibly, the biggest, most exciting, and most expensive party in your life. 

I think that this planning process should be fun and inspiring for you, but I also know that wedding planning is quite time-consuming, overwhelming, and can quickly start bringing more stress than joy. 
You may want to take on a task of planning your own wedding, but you should consider that there are professionals, like myself, who actually make it their career to help couples all over the world make their wedding dreams come true, and that is because we know precisely how many things are happening backstage, how many work hours are behind the pretty picture, how many effort and expertise is required to make the day unforgettably beautiful in all regards. 

With that in mind, hiring a wedding planner is arguably the best decision you can make when planning a wedding, and here is why!

You Will Actually Enjoy the Process 

If you think that planning a wedding is a simple straightforward process, I am sorry to bring out the truth — it is not. It actually involves tens and hundreds of small tasks, back-and-forth emails, multiple calls, coordination and liaising of multiple parties involved. Yes, there are fun things, like creative brainstorm and design or food and cake tasting, but there are other things to consider, like timings and logistics, which can be stressful. Your wedding planner will have the whole process under control, and take the weight off your shoulders, allowing you to actually appreciate your engaged time — meeting friends, making plans for your honeymoon and enjoying the company of your partner! 
You can be as involved as you want! 

You Will Not Be Disturbed from Your Day-to-Day Life 

Having already said that the wedding planning process is a time-consuming enterprise, I really meant it. With so many things to do, it’s hard to fit them all into a daily schedule, when you have your actual job to do, family and friends to meet, personal time to carve out, — it is almost impossible to stay balanced and sane. Peace of mind and your precious time is definitely worth your extra investment in professional help.


You Will Save Some Money 

Yes, you’ve read it right, you will save money by investing in this extra professional. 

For most people, their wedding is one of a kind event in their life, so when faced with a task to plan out a budget for it, they find themselves at a loss. How much should it all cost? By putting some random number into your head, you might end up multiplying it significantly, simply by not knowing the market well enough. Your planner, on the other hand, has a lot of connections in the industry and can source the best possible vendor team to match your budget and quality requirement. In addition to that, they sometimes can get specials discounts and extras for you, which you wouldn't get if you came directly to the vendor.  

Your wedding planner is actually way more than just a professional help. Over the whole duration of the planning process, she is going to be your best friend, your advisor, your creative consultant, your stress relief, and so much more. It’s a very close and important connection to build, which is why it is important to find a person you click with and connect easily at a personal level.
There are so many planners now, some focusing on a creative side of the process, like myself, but still handling logistics, others being fully focused on the planning activities and preferring to outsource the creative design to creative directors, designers, decorators, and florists. Set a personal meeting, evaluate the portfolio, talk through the planning process, and make sure you feel comfortable with the approach and personality of the planner. 
Hope this was helpful! Happy Wedding Planning! 
2020-06-24 15:56 Wedding tips